Presentation material for YASAT
Hello there interested buyers and users of the Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures Aleph Tav. On the web I have quickly built a website which goes over the Pagan Terms, so that people will not be reading and following Pagan Idols, which the Father and Son tell us to avoid.
There is a lot of information on the website and often people do not have time to read all the information that is available. For this reason, I have invested in a faster macintosh computer, a hackintosh for making videos and animated presentations, which cost me $700CAD. I’m still busy finishing adding the Aleph Tav to the Tanach.
One program I bought is called Screen recorder Movavi, which allows me to capture and edit video on my screen, connect a microphone and record my voice. I ordered a microphone and it should be arriving soon. I figure that I can explain a lot quicker the information by people hearing my voice
I picked this up on sale for a couple of bucks, its worth $39.99USD so I have been truly blessed to get the equipment I need before I need it.
I also today picked up Animation Studio, for making “animated videos”.
I’m hoping that I can make my Ahayah and Yasha websites a little more lively and fun, while still teaching people why they need to get the Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures. I spent a little over $100CAD, buying both the Animation Studio Deluxe and Animation Studio Commercial.
I still need to grind through adding the Aleph Tav first to the scriptures, but then I plan to slowly start adding animated videos for people to watch.

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