pre-masoretic Tanakh found Codex Reuchlinianus

I came across a Vatican Hebrew Bible today!
I also found a copy of a pre-masoretic Tanakh. It was found by an Alexander Sperber, in the Vatican vault. This copy is different than the Masoretic text that is used today. In it, you can see the pronunciations are different than what is vowel pointed by the Masorites.
The Prophets according to the Codex Reuchlinianus (in a Critical Analysis). Edited by Alexander Sperber. Leiden, Brill,
1969. 342 S., Ln. (1/ neuwertiges Ex.) (The Hebrew Bible with Pre-Masoratic Tiberian Vocalization). Bookseller Inventory # A-50726-01
I went ahead and ordered it, since it was the last copy found on abebooks.  It cost me $115.39CAD

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