Google complains about mobile sites and keeps ranking them lower.

I have been having problems making my website so that Google will rank it well.  Page load speeds while improved are still slow and mobile has been a challenge.  I have been praying to Ahayah and Yasha to help me with this.  Joe Workman of rapidweaver was starting to offer components on sale on, but again I’m not that happy with the ease of use of Foundation, a mobile friendly platform because it is more desktop centred.  My top navigation bar would not port over to a new page, it was difficult to use and even using CDN content delivery network, I was having problems in that it would not load properly.  Since my goal is to spead the word around the world, I need to make it “mobile first”, fast, informative and friendly.  Some pages take 15 seconds to load and Google has been moving my site down in the rankings because of it.  Google wants sites to load in 3 seconds!!!

That is where yesterday my prayers were answered!  Mobifirst offers a mobile first approach to building a website.  Its a completely new platform and I am going to give them a try.
I’m going to try and port over my webpages into it to see if I can get a performance improvement.

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