Found a way to speed up websites

Bought an appsumo deal to get CDN using ShortPixel rather then the free site I mentioned earlier.  Here is the site to pickup the LIFETIME deal;

I don’t want to violate any terms and conditions and while worked for CDN, I didnt want to find my site smacked down for images and having to redo all that work.

Ahayah provided for me a lifetime deal to get CDN for my image hosting up and running at a fraction of what Cloudflare would have cost me at $20 a month.

It appears I have the CDN properly loaded as I tested the link in this post and the image was using CDN.  I just don’t know if I have my account API properly configured.  As the free credits might run out.  I’m kind of green on wordpress and shortpixel.

I have now moved my wordpress site to and the CDN is working.

I will be first adding the images from my website into there so that I Can use the CDN (Content Delivery Network) so that my webpages will load fast all over the world.

Mobile shopping harder to work with then I thought.

I had a newsletter subscription that floated on the top.  What I didn’t realize is that shopping on a phone would not place the “buy it now” properly centered on the screen.  It would work fine on my desktop, but would not work with a phone.  People could not easily buy the SALE!  So today I have downgraded the landing page to put a static newsletter subscription, so that people can easily buy a PDF of the Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures for $5, entry level fee.

Finished adding a list of the 613 Torah laws!

I have finished adding a list of the 613 Torah laws, with 297 laws that apply today and have added them to the Yasha Ahayah Scriptures, which will soon be released in a new second edition.  Its been a lot of work but well worth it.

Discovered how to speed up my websites even more!

I was looking into Cloudflare CDN subscriptions to help speed up my websites, only problem is they are cost prohibitive.  Listed prices range from a fixed fee of $20 (Pro) to $200 (Business) per month!  Today I figured out how to warehouse images in Rapidweaver ( and I found a free source that stores images in the cloud (  I tried out different methods, but finally found one that works!  So, in order to speed up my site around the world for people browsing on their phones I will have to rebuild the sites again by hand, but it will be well worth it.  When done, the webpages will load fast all over the world!  The images are already compressed with ImageOptim and ImageAlpha.

Ahayah, Yasha and the Ruach have really been guiding me on this journey, learning all the needed components to help build a faster loading website.
Early this morning I finished in https:// so it is now secure and youtube videos finally load.  3 sales came in on my website this week, so the learning curve on making a secure site has really been paying off.

Nearly 25% of Americans are going into debt trying to pay for necessities like food

Published Fri, May 24 2019  9:00 AM EDT

A full 23% of Americans say that paying for basic necessities such as rent, utilities and food contributes the most to their credit card debt, according to a new survey of approximately 2,200 U.S. adults that CNBC Make It performed in conjunction with Morning Consult. Another 12% say medical bills are the biggest portion of their debt.
With 1 in 4 people using their credit card to buy food, this does not bode well for the economy.  But I like the Kevin Leary video that said to be out of debt by 42 to 45.  I was 51 when I got out of debt, owning 3 houses though.  Today I put $150 towards investing.  It doesn’t sound like much, but you have to start somewhere.  Right now I’m preparing my own meal rather then eating out.  Every dollar adds up.
Soon McDonalds will be built here in Melfort, Saskatchewan and I plan on treating myself when it is built.

Elayna Sorsdahl is now Elayna Unruh

Looks like Deanna has changed our daughters name, back to Unruh.  She won an award November 19 and it was placed in the January 2019 bulletin

I’m missing out on so much but there is not a thing I can do about it.

Finished adding the Aleph Tav’s!

I have finished adding the Aleph Tav’s to the Tanach (the old testament).  Its been a big project and I am glad it is finally done.  With this comes a revised second edition.  I am also planning on adding a list of the Torah laws, with ones that apply today added in bold at the back of the scriptures.

44% of Canadians say high gas prices are making it hard to afford necessities

Debt-burdened Canadians aren’t catching a break at the pumps, with four out of 10 surveyed in a new Angus Reid Institute poll saying a surge in gasoline prices is making it harder for them to afford their basic needs.

Forty-four per cent of Canadians surveyed said they’re struggling to meet their necessities due to increasing gas prices. The survey’s findings come amid heightened concern over Canadians’ mounting debt loads and as the beginning of the summer driving season is set to push gas prices even higher, starting with the Victoria Day holiday this weekend.  


Its sad, but that is what the carbon 666 tax is about.  Making it unaffordable to drive.  They are driving people into serfdom, back to the plantation where you walk or ride a bike instead of driving.

Half of Americans are just one paycheck away from financial disaster

Published: May 17, 2019 5:10 a.m. ET

Many consumers would turn to dangerous fallback options in order to make ends meet

Missing more than one paycheck is a one-way ticket to financial hardship for nearly half of the country’s workforce.

A new study from NORC at the University of Chicago, an independent social research institution, found that 51% of working adults in the United States would need to access savings to cover necessities if they missed more than one paycheck.

Of course, many Americans don’t have savings to fall back on. A study from home repair service HomeServe USA found that roughly 50% of consumers either have nothing set aside to cover an emergency or less than $500 put away. And research from the Federal Reserve has indicated that roughly 4 in 10 Americanscouldn’t afford a $400 emergency.


They have bled people dry.  Most people no longer save.  Low interest rates are to blame, that and a keep up with the Jones mentality.  In a year and a half, the markets could correct and we could be in hard times.

Alabama passes bill banning abortion

This is good news as all life is precious!  The 10 commandments say “Thou shall not kill”.  So its good to see the Torah law being followed.  The Fathers law.

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