It looks like California will be a lost State. Illegal Immigrants will hire more Illegal Immigrants and flood the State, till it goes bankrupt?
Glad I don’t live there and my taxes are not paying for that. Maybe with the wall Mexicans are moving to California to work the fields and whatever other job they can get. Unemployment is low, so maybe it will work out. Time will tell.
By The Canadian Press. Published on Aug 27, 2018 10:37am
MONCTON, N.B. — New Brunswick’s Tory leader has officially joined forces with his counterparts in Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta, promising that his government won’t bring in a carbon tax on consumers if elected on Sept. 24.
This is good news because this false climate religion would help usher in a one world government eventually run by Satan. This gives me more time to finish adding the Aleph Tav to the rest of the Old Testament.
‘Cheaper power has always been our number one priority’
Harry Cockburn
5 hours ago
Embattled Australian prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has abandoned plans to set a new emissions reduction target, following a revolt by MPs in his own government amid a potential leadership challenge.
This is good news for the world and Canada. Hopefully the Liberals fail in their carbon 666 tax plan and get voted out in 2019. The NDP are no better.
Today the Spanish Community wrote me about publishing a Spanish Yasha Ahayah Biblia Scriptures.
I have been wanting to get a Spanish Holy Scripture made. The best is a word for word set of scriptures and I have done research on what is the closest to His actual WORD. Matthew 4:4
The Valera Spain 1569 version is the closest word for word Spanish translation.
The Catholic Church also worships many other false idols, which the Messiah and Father warned us to avoid. Exodus 23:13, 1 John 5:21
The Vatican attended the Bilderburg meeting and one of the topics they discussed was censorship. Well, now that many conservative radio stations have been blocked on youtube, facebook and others. We can see that they want to keep this news in the dark.
“By 2050, out of a United States total population of 1.1 billion, 775 million, or 73 per cent, would be post 1995 immigrants or their descendants,” adds the report.
This plan by the UN is to change the USA and Canada forever. 73% of the population is a changing of the countries completely! I hope the USA under Trump continues to starve the UN of funds needed for them to complete their plans. They are trying to destroy people whom believe in the Holy Scriptures. I need to do my best to get the Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures Aleph Tav out there.
Things are going to get worse in Venezuela as they lose their ability to extract heavy oil and refine it. No more US dollars coming in, with their Citgo gas stations being seized. Communism does not work well, for paying your bills. Hopefully 2019 will spell the end of Canada Liberal Trudeau.