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𝔓46 (in the Gregory-Aland numbering) is one of the oldest extant New Testament manuscripts in Greek, written on papyrus, with its 'most probable date' between 175 and 225.

Because of its early date,
𝔓46 shows some of the earliest forms of nomina sacra, using certain three-letter abbreviations (e.g. ιηϲ) rather than the two-letter forms (e.g. ιϲ) which began to replace them in the fourth century.

ιϲ=iota sigma=Yasha (see Codex Sinaiticus 4th century)
ιηϲ=iota eta sigma=Yâsha (Papyrus 46)

Eta (uppercase Η, lowercase η; Ancient Greek: ἦ is the seventh letter of the Greek alphabet. Originally denoting a consonant /h/, In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 8. It was derived from the Phoenician letter heth.

Ḥet or H̱et (also spelled Khet, Kheth, Chet, Cheth, Het, or Heth) is the eighth letter of the Semitic abjads, including Phoenician Ḥēt, Hebrew Ḥēt

The sound of the letter, in ancient (Paleo Hebrew) and modern times, is a guttural "hh" (as in the "ch" in the name Bach).

so ιηϲ=Ya"h"sha or Yaasha= Yâsha in Paleo Hebrew.

Some may say it's Yahusha, but there is no "U" found in the oldest manuscripts. They want to try to make the Messiah have the same name as the Tetragrammaton YHWH or YHVH or YHUH (ALL of which are SATAN). Ahayah (found in Exodus 3:14 for the Father) and Yashaya or Yashayah (Our Saviour) have the same name fulfilling John 5:43, both having "Hayah". Hosea 2:16 is Ah-Yasha in Paleo Hebrew for the Father and it is solid PROOF that the Father and Son have the SAME NAME Yasha!

You can view photos of P46 here;
Nice to know that the Messiah was known as Yâsha between 175 and 225AD.

There was no letter "J" 500 years ago so His name cannot be Jesus or Jehovah!

There was no letter "E" in Hebrew, so the Messiah cannot be called Yesha, his name is Yasha'. Yesha is found in the Dead Sea Scrolls (see below).

Yasha in the Bible is NOT a pagan term. YASHA means Saviour in Hebrew. Page 223 of the
New Strong's Complete Dictionary of Bible Words has;

3467 Yâsha' (13), to make safe, free

H3449 Yishshiyah
יָשַׁע Yasha` Pasted Graphic
found in Paleo Hebrew in Isaiah 62:11


This Bible uses Yâsha' and YASHAYAH for our saviour.

Pasted Graphic 1


The Savior said, “I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. John 5:43.
The Father’s Name and the Son’s name are the SAME!!!
Both names have HAYAH. Strong's H1961

The Hellenist translators substituted their saviour god “Zeus” for our Saviour’s Name, because they were ordered not to teach or preach in the true Name of the Saviour. Acts 4:17, 18; 5:28, 40-42.

The reason we don’t have the Saviour’s Name in the New Testament is because He was accused of blasphemy. Matthew 26:62-66; Luke 22:69.
the penalty for blasphemy is death. Leviticus 24:16.
the blasphemer’s name would be blotted out of the tribes of Israel. Deuteronomy 29:20, 21.

The Jews did not believe that Yasha was the Messiah, so His name was taken out of the Bible. Name of Yasha found in the New Testament, under the praise Hosana (Yashana) Matthew 21:9! The Greeks didn't know what the Hebrews were saying, so they wrote Hosana instead of YASHA-NA, the saviours name was pronounced as Oh Save and was known as perfect praise because IT HAD THE SONS NAME!

"Yasha" rode into Jerusalem on the donkey. [Zechariah 9:9] And the children shouted "Yashana" Matthew 21:9 The Saviour said this was perfected praise Matthew 21:16. Hosana/Yashana is perfect praise.

Yashana – Hosana G#5614 "of Hebrew origin [3467 and 4994]; oh save!; hosanna (i.e. hoshia-na), an exclamation of adoration: --hosanna." #3467 is Yasha and 4994 is ‘na’.

His name cannot be Joshua because there was only 1 name given to the Messiah. There was already a Joshua of the Bible.

Philippians 2:9 Wherefore Ahâyâh also hath highly exalted him, and
given him a name which is above every name:

Matthew 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Yâsha': for he shall save his people from their sins.

Only Yasha means saviour

Page 243. , 247. and 252 The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, by Robert H. Eisenman (Author), Michael Wise (Author)

The Children Of Salvation (Yesha’) And The Mystery Of Existence (4Q416, 418) (Plate 22)
The Salvation (Yesha') of His Works
Fragment 9 Column 1
(1) [...the] time, lest he hear you. And while he is alive, speak to him, lest he... (2) without appropriate reproof for his sake. Is it not bound up... (3) Furthermore, his Spirit will not be swallowed (i.e. ‘consumed’), because in silence... (4) [and] quickly take his reproof to heart, and be not proud because of your transgressions... (5) He is Righteous, like you, because he is a prince among... (6) He will do. For how is He unique? In all His work, He is without... (7) Do not consider the Evil Man as a co-worker, nor anyone who hates... (8) the
Salvation (YESHA’) of His works, together with His command; therefore know how to conduct yourself with Him... (9) Do not remove [the Law of God] from your heart, and don’t go very far along by yourself... (10) For what is smaller than a man without means? Also, do not rejoice when you should be mourning, lest you suffer in your life... (11) existence; therefore, take from the children of Salvation (YESHA’), and know who will inherit Glory, for it is necessary for Him, not... (12) And instead of their mourning, (yours will be) everlasting joy, and the troublemaker will be placed at your disposal, and there will not [be...] (13) To all your young girls, spea[k] your judgements like a Righteous ruler, do not... (14) and do not take your sins lightly. Then the radiance of... will be... Judgement... (15) will He take, and then God will see, and His anger will be assuaged and He will give help against [your] sins, according to... (16) will not stand up all of its days. He will justify by His judgement, and without forgiving your... (17) Poor One. O ye, if you lack food, your need and your surplus... (18) You should leave as sustenance for His flocks according to His will, and [fr]om it, take what is coming to you, but do not add there[to...] (19) And if you lack, do not... Riches from your needs, for [His] storehouse will not be lacking. [And upon] (20) His word everything is founded, so a[at] what He gives you, but do not add to... (21) your life... If you borrow Riches from men to fill your needs, do not... (22) day and night, and do not for the peace of your soul... He will cause you to return to... Do not lie (23) to him. Why should you bear (the) sin? Also, from reproach... to his neighbor. (24)... and he will close up his hand when you are in need. According to Wisdo[m...] (25) and if affliction befalls you, and... (26) He will reveal... (27) He will not make atonement with... (28) a[gain]. Furthermore...

The earliest archaeological evidence of an Arabic name for Jesus is a Jordanian inscription. Enno Littman (1950) states: "Mr. G. Lankaster Harding, Chief Curator of Antiquities Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan, kindly sent me copies of a little more than five hundred Thamudic inscriptions. [...] It is the inscription [Harding No. 476] that interests us here. [...] Below the circle there are four letters: a 
y, a sh, a ʿ, and again a y." He also states: "These letters are so placed that they can be read from right to left or from left to right y-sh-ʿ, probably pronounced Yashaʿ, and this name is the same as Yashuaʿ, the Hebrew form of the name of Christ."[14] An archaic Arabic root for 'Salvation' exists in Yatha, which may have later formed this name: y-sh-ʿ.[15] The lack of a Waw is still unexplained. Also, the closer correspondence with another name ישעיה [y'sha'yá, "Isaiah" in English] needs explanation or discussion before this inscription can be entertained as an Arabic "Jesus".

The Messiah also spoke to them in the Hebrew tongue! That means He is HEBREW and almost certainly had a Hebrew name! Acts 26:14, 15 also Matthew 27:46 Yasha spoke in his Hebrew tongue: “Ishi-i, Ishi-i, Lamah Sabachthani?” that is, “My Ishi, My Ishi, why have you forsaken Me?” .
Sabachthani is a Greek Transliterated Word (Indeclinable).
The suffix “thani” means: you do this to me. Zabach is a well-known word in Hebrew Scripture. The NASB95 translates the word
זבח (zabach) 295 times as sacrifice or offering, and the word עזב (azav) 170 times as forsaken, abandoned or leave. (Logos Bible Software 4, Guides, Bible Word Study. See Strong: H2076, H2077, and H5800).

"Yeshu" is actually an acronym for the formula (
ימח שמו וזכרו(נו (Y'mach Sh'mo V'Zichro(no)) meaning "may his name and memory be obliterated".

Yasha is close to Yeshu, the saviours real name. Yasha means Saviour in Hebrew, so the fact that the European Jews wrote down Yeshu for the Saviour is telling!

Sefer Toledot Yeshu (ספר תולדות ישו, The Book of the Generations/History/Life of the Messiah), often abbreviated as Toledot Yeshu, is an early Jewish text taken to be an alternative biography of Messiah. It exists in a number of different versions, none of which are considered either canonical or normative within rabbinic literature,[1] but which appear to have been widely circulated in Europe and the Middle East in the medieval period.[2][3] A 15th-century Yemenite work of the same was titled Maaseh Yeshu, or the "Episode of Messiah," in which Messiah is described as being the son of Joseph, the son of Pandera (see: Episode of Messiah). The account portrays Messiah as an impostor.

The stories claim that Messiah (Yeshu) was an illegitimate child, and that he practiced magic and heresy, seduced women, and died a shameful death.[4] But they also show a paradoxical respect for Messiah.

Toledot Yeshu ("The Life Story of Jesus) Revisited edited by Peter Schafer, Michael Meerson and Yaacov Deutch Pg. 164


Yeshu harasha' appears in the majority of Toledot Yeshu manuscripts that I consulted (including Strasbourg BnU 3974; JTS 2221; Cambridge 557); and Ox. Cod. Heb 2407 (Opp. Add. 4 145) call Yeshu rasha'. For rabbinic references to haman harasha'. The epithet harasha' is also used for some other characters deemed evil in rabbinic literature, for example Balaam

Yeshu hara
sha' or Yeshu rasha' is very very close to Yasha which means saviour in Hebrew. The fact that medieval people who wanted his name blotted out called him that, is a lot closer then the modern 500 year old name of Jesus.

The Yasha Ahayah Bibles uses Yasha for the Messiah rather then other Pagan terms like Jesus or Joshua etc etc.

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Purchase Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures without Pagan Terms
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Final Word Before You Leave
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Your using a corrupted Bible and praying to the wrong God!

You would do well to have a Holy Name Bible in your possession, Purchase Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures without Pagan Terms
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If you like the fact that Ahayah and Yasha are in a Bible and would like to help fund the advertising of His work, please consider donating. I currently pay 1 cents per click on a banner ad, about $100USD a month maximum. I also hand out free copies so all profits from the sales goes back into spreading the WORD.

If you like this knowledge of Ahayah (The Father) and Yasha (The Son), please consider a donation using the PayPal button. A lot of years of research has gone into bringing out His Holy Word.
Exodus 23:13 And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.
This is why you need to read clean scriptures without pagan terms or gods, like lord, elohim, God, El, Yah, amen, Jesus and Jehovah.
1 John 5:21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amein.
Even the Messiah (Son/Saviour) said we need to keep away from false idols. Why read and pray using a Bible filled with PAGAN terms?
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Both the Father and Son say you need to know and call out their proper names, so why then do you have a Bible at home that is filled with PAGAN terms like Jesus and Jehovah?
Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Master Yâsha', and shalt believe in thine heart that Ahâyâh hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
You need to know, study and pray the proper Hebrew names of the Father and Son.
Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of Ahâyâh shall be saved.
Many Bibles have Lord here, which means Baal as in Baalzebub. Many feel that the Old Testament no longer applies, Exodus 3:14 is one place where the Fathers name was preserved. Ahayah=AHYH= I AM. The Tetragrammaton YHWH Jehovah has polluted many Bibles, just as the Serpent said he would do Isaiah 14:14, Revelation 12:9.
Romans 10:4 For Messiah is the goal*1* of the Torah Law for righteousness to every one that believeth. 5 For Moshe describeth the righteousness which is of the Torah Law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them. 6 But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Messiah down from above:)
*1*The Torah law is not done away with! KJV says "end", but the original Greek and Aramaic (Peshitta) text clearly shows that "goal" is a better interpretation. G5056 τέλος telos From a primary tello (to set out for a definite point or goal). Look up the word "end" in original Greek https://biblehub.com/interlinear/romans/10-4.htm Look at the original Greek https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?t=kjv&strongs=g5056 Common English Bible (CEB) & מה Cepher & Hebraic Roots Bible etc. confirms this. Heaven and Earth have not passed so the Torah Law remains! Matthew 4:17-20 Narrow is the Path that leads to life Matthew 7:13-14! The Messiah said he follows the Father. John 6:38 The Messiah did not do away with the Fathers Law. Do you think that the Father wishes to do away with His own Law and follow the Serpent? Christian churches preach and teach falsely that the Torah law is done away with! The sacrifice is done away with for the Messiah fulfilled that part! Circumcision is now optional. There is no "Old and New Testament", there is only ONE Testament, the whole scripture! Adam also was to teach the law but failed. The Messiah showed how to follow the Law and is a good goal to pick up the cross and follow Him, the Messiah who follows the Father and His Torah Law, to the best of your abilities. Follow the Messiah and Father who are ONE ahcad (echad) and NOT Paul (who confuses many)! Come out of the Babylonian churches that preach the law is done away with Revelation 18:4! We are to pick up the cross and follow Him, by following the Fathers Torah Law just as He did Matthew 16:24.
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